Younger & Brighter Skin
The Rezenerate™ Facial was designed to reduce the signs of aging, reduce signs of blemishes and also even your skin tone by painlessly creating hundreds of thousands of microscopic permeations on the surface of the skin. This leads to an immediate plumpness of the skin for an amazing short term benefit and also allows for greater absorption of nutrients, collagen and anti blemish treatments thereby hydrating and re-energizing your skin’s natural beauty over the long term. This facial works on anything from an unexpected outbreak on a big day to cases of severe break outs and dark spots.
Even the procedure itself is calming and Zen-like; it feels like a complete face massage.
Rezenerate™ is incredible and works not only on blemishes, but reduces fine lines and wrinkles, as well! You will leave looking and feeling younger and brighter.
Davinci uses a revolutionary new tool called the Rezenerate™ Wand. This a handheld tool used by professional estheticians to give amazing facials. What can Rezenerate do that's different than other clearer skin enhancer methods?
- Rezenerate is a pain free cosmetic alternative to harsh treatments/ procedures.
-- it's is extremely safe and includes natural healing
- It is inexpensive
- little down time- typically apply make up in minutes after facial
- no cross contamination (Rezenerate Chips are single use only)
- Amazing absorption rates for nutrient delivery to the skin.
Single Treatment- $135
3PACK- $350Add-ons:
LED Therapy Treatment…$25